St George's Primary School
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School Safety


MEDICAL AND HEALTH CARE                                             
A number of medical inspections are undertaken during the course of the session as follows:-
Routine medical inspection is offered to selected Primary 1 children.
Parents are informed of the time and date of this appointment and are
asked to be present.
Primary One pupils will be screened for height and weight.
Primary Seven will have vision screening and will have a personal health interview by the school nurse. 
Throughout the year, pupils causing concerns can be referred to the school nurse.
DENTAL INSPECTION                                                   
Dental Inspections of all P1 and P7 pupils will take place over the session. Parents can arrange treatment with a local dentist or at the nearest school clinic.
Health Education has a well-established place in the curriculum. Dental care, personal hygiene, diet and exercise are all stressed throughout the primary stages.
Glasgow City Council has issued regulations governing medicines in school.
No child can bring medicine of any kind into school, unless a parent/carer consults the Head Teacher, and signs a consent form which can be obtained from the school. Parents/Carers should inform the school of medical requirements.
If a child becomes ill during school hours, parents/carers will be informed and asked to take the sick child home. It is very important that the school has an emergency contact number in case parents cannot be contacted. Please keep your mobile phone switched on so that you can be contacted if necessary.
The school has a designated First Aider who will deal with minor injuries. Pupils who are hurt are told to go to an adult who will ensure the child is referred to the appropriate member of staff.
We make every effort to maintain a full educational service, but on some occasions circumstances arise which lead to disruption. Schools may be affected by, for example, severe weather, temporary interruption of transport, power failures or difficulties of fuel supply. In such cases we shall do all we can to let you know about the details of closure or re-opening. We shall keep you informed by using letters, notices in local shops and community centres, announcements in local places of worship and announcements in the press and on local radio.
All educational establishments and services must take positive steps to help protect themselves by ensuring that programmes of health and personal safety are central to the curriculum and should have in place a curriculum that ensures that children have a clear understanding of the difference between appropriate and inappropriate behaviour on the part of another person, no matter who.
As with other areas of the curriculum, you will be kept informed of the health and personal safety programme for your child’s establishment.
Schools, establishments and services must create and maintain a positive ethos and climate which actively promotes child welfare and a safe environment by:
-     ensuring that children are respected and listened to
-     ensuring that programmes of health and personal safety are central to the curriculum
-     ensuring that staff are aware of child protection issues and  procedures
-         establishing and maintaining close working relationships and arrangements with all other agencies to make sure that professionals collaborate effectively in protecting children.
Should any member of staff have concerns regarding the welfare or safety of any child they must report these concerns to the head of establishment. 
The head, or the person deputising for the head, after judging that there may be grounds for concern regarding the welfare or safety of any pupil must then immediately advise the duty senior social worker at the local social work services area office of the circumstances.