At present we have 10.9 full time teaching staff including the Head Teacher and Depute Head.
Mrs D Taylor
Head Teacher – overall responsibility for managing People, Policy, Resources, National Testing, Teaching and Learning.
Mr M. Pugh
Depute Head Teacher – responsibility for Learning Support, Staff Development, and various areas of the Curriculum.
Mrs McDermott Nurture Class/Principal Teacher
Mr Loughery Challenge Leader of Learning/PrincipalTeacher
Miss Flannery P1
Miss Kelly P2
Mrs Sutherland P3
Miss Thomson P4 (Probationer)
Miss McIntosh P5a (Probationer)
MrsRooney P5b
Mrs Lorimer P6
Mrs Bayless P7
Mrs Simpson 0.6
Mrs McLeod NCCT
Mr Campbell Janitor
Mrs C McColgan Clerical Assistant (DMR)
Mrs Urie Clerical Assistant (DMR)
Mrs Cooke Pupil Support (SfLW)
Miss Smyth Pupil Support Assistant (ASN -Nurture)
Mrs McBride Pupil Support (SfLW)
Miss Rennie Pupil Support (SfLW)
Mrs Corley Pupil Support (SfLW)
Mr Quinn Pupil Support (SfLW)
Mrs Stuart Pupil Support (SfLW)
Mrs Bridges Dining Room Assistant