St George's Primary School
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Breakfast Club


Breakfast Club
The Big Breakfast is a service open to all pupils, funded by the Scottish Executive, and offers cereal, milk, toast and fruit juice.  
The Big Breakfast is a great start to the day by providing food in a relaxed atmosphere where pupils can meet friends under supervision, prior to start of school.

Please remember that if your child is attending the Big Breakfast to remind them of road safety. Road crossing patrols will not start any earlier therefore it is the parents responsibility for their child`s safe arrival at school.

Details regarding the timing for the service are as follows.

Breakfast is served: 8 am - 8.45 am to pupils who arrive during these times and go to the dining hall, register attendance and eat breakfast under adult supervision.

Access to playground: 8.45 am - 9.00 am. Pupils have the option to leave dining hall and go to the playground and mix with pupils who have not attended the breakfast service. The adult supervision element is performed by one of the Breakfast Club supervisors.
From August 2016 Glasgow City Council has introduced a charge of £2.00 for first child and £1.00 each sibling thereafter per day for the breakfast service. The service will continue to be provided free for those children eligible for a free school meal. The £2.00/£1.00 charge will be collected daily from your child by a member of the breakfast staff.



Cost of School Meal from August 2016 will be £1.90.Children and young people of parents/carers receivingIncome support, income-based Job Seekers Allowance, Working Tax Credit (where income is less than £6,240). Child Tax Credit only (where income is less than £16,105*) and income related Employment and Support Allowance are entitled to a free midday meal. Information and application forms for free school meals may be obtained from schools and from Grants section at Education Services headquarters. * Income amount effective from 1 April 2010 and may be changed by the Department for Work and Pensions. Please note; Parents/Guardians who receive Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit are not entitled to a free midday meal.  St. George’s has a “Fuel Zone” at lunchtime. This is run by Cordia and offers a varied menu. In addition to a main meal pupils are entitled to take soup, fruit, salad and yoghurt as well as milk and juice. Vegetarian meals are available. Parents with children in need of a special diet should contact the Head Teacher to discuss the requirements. Any pupils who lose their money will be given lunch and asked to pay the appropriate amount the following day.    Accommodation is also made available for those children who bring packed lunches. In the interests of safety, glass containers and cans may not be brought into school. Please note - where children stay for a packed lunch or a school meal then they must stay in the school for the whole of the lunch hour. Permission to leave will only be granted where parents have given the pupil a note requesting permission to leave the premises. As St George’s is a health promoting school we would ask parents to include healthy snacks in their child’s lunch box. Breakfast is also available for the children from 8.15-8.45am at a cost of £2.00 for first child and £1.00 each sibling.  Breakfast is free to children who are in receipt of free meals.Last breakfast served will be 8.40am.